FOTH Invitation



Sunday, August 14th at 12 Noon


                                                 Zoom at Noon


On Sunday morning you will have received an email from

with an invitation to the Zoom event and the church bulletin.   


Join us for on-line social time to talk about FOTH, our 25th Anniversary, and watch the new Outreach

video created by Carolyn Bried.


If you make a donation to FOTH Outreach by Sunday, August 7th, your name will be entered in

the raffle drawings for gift cards which will be mailed to the winners, and Sara Bossatti’s great

homemade preserves basket which will be delivered only to a local winner.  We’ll also be raffling off

the coveted parking space. The raffles have been fun the past two years.


For those of you who don’t feel comfortable coming in person to our Brunch Event, this will be a

chance for some of us to see those online that we haven’t seen for a while. That morning there will

be a link provided in an online announcement from Saint Timothy’s. 




Sunday, August 21st at 11:15 a.m.


25th Anniversary Celebration Brunch


Let’s get together in person for our biggest fundraiser for Outreach Ministries. We will view the new

Outreach video made by Carolyn Bried, and have a short program.  There will not be a Fund-A-Need

or silent auction at the event. Dining will be on the patio weather permitting.  We encourage wearing

masks and following Covid protocols.


                        Sunday, August 14th is the last date to make brunch reservations!!!                                                                                                                                                                                               We must have a head count for the caterer.  You may purchase your brunch reservation on this                                                                                                                                                                            website’s “"Brunch/Outreach Donations" page, or send in your check with the return card in                                                                                                                                                                                     your invitation. Your payment is your reservation.  You may also hand the return card with payment                                                                                                                                                                                    to Leslie Firth at the red bulletin board after Sunday services.


Brunch from Simple Elegance Catering in Danville

                                                                                                                                                                                       MENU (has been revised)


                      Ham & Cheese Frittata, Breakfast Meats, Assorted Sandwiches, Chips,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Fruit Salad, Green Salad, and Celebration Cake


Coffee, Tea, Orange Juice


                                                            Brunch:  $20 per adult

                                                            $7 per child or 2 children (17 and younger)

                                                            $14 maximum for all children in family

                                                                               *non-refundable and not tax deductible




If this is a hardship, we can offer confidential complimentary tickets.  We would not want anyone staying away on this account.

Please contact Leslie Firth,







WALL OF WINE:  We will have the popular Wall of Wine at the event. We are asking for donations of a bottle or bottles of wine worth $30 or more. These bottles will be wrapped and numbered. You can purchase a cork with a number on it for $25 (inflation).  You match the number on the cork to the number on the bottle and take it with you. You can’t lose.  Please sign up to donate bottles of wine on the “Helper Sign Up” page on this website.


DONATIONS OF WINE FOR THE BAR:  We will be having a no-host bar as well as a non-alcoholic beverage station. We welcome bottles of wine for serving at the event.  Please sign up at our “Helper Sign Up” page if you can donate wine for the bar.


GIFT CARDS FOR RAFFLE:  Can you donate gift cards for items such as dinners, lunches, movies, experiences, carwashes, books, Starbucks, Peat’s, gas cards, services, etc. for our Zoom raffle?  If so, please go to the “Helper Sign Up” page on this website to sign up to donate.  


FOOD PREP:  Tania Hansen De Young is in charge of Food for the event. On Saturday, August 20th, 3 people are needed to help with setting up the coffee makers, filling pitchers, setting up tables on the patio, etc. and whatever is needed. Sunday, August 21st, in the morning two volunteers are needed to prepare fruit.  Sign up to help on the “Helper Sign Up” page on this website.


SET UP EVENT:  Saturday, August 20th at 10 a.m. - We need about 6 people to give us a hand setting up tables on the patio and breezeway and doing whatever is needed for a couple of hours.  This is not going to be anywhere near as complicated as our prior in person fundraisers. Sign up to help on the “Helper Sign Up” page on this website.


SET UP EVENT ON DAY OF EVENT:  Sunday, August 21st at 8 a.m. - We need 2 or 3 people to finish dressing the tables, putting out centerpieces, decorating buffet tables. and getting us ready for 11:15.

                                                                                                                                            DECORATIONS WORK PARTY:   Friday, August 19th at 1 p.m. - 2 to 3 people are needed to help with decorations and centerpieces preparation.  Sign up to help on the “Helper Sign Up” page on this website.


TAKE DOWN EVENT:  Sunday, August 21st after the event.  Everyone, please lend a hand to get the parish hall and patio back to its original state.  We will have wonderful helpers from Trinity Center, some of whom are homeless, so we are helping to fulfill our purpose by hiring them to help with the event.  Sign up to help on the “Helper Sign Up” page on this website.



Saint Timothy's Episcopal Church - 1550 Diablo Road - CA  94526




No Packages in Catalog Details