Information for Childcare
Childcare is by reservation only. No walk-ins. We must have the right number of childcare workers, based on numbers of children and breakdown of ages.
There is no cost for this year’s childcare during the event.
Food: We will supply grilled chicken slices, fresh fruit, snacks and water. If your child prefers something else, please pack food and drink for your child. Please let us know of any allergies.
Babies to 5 years old will be dropped off in Noah’s Ark Preschool, after check in at the registration table. Parents, please pack food for your babies.
6 years old to 8th graders will be dropped off in the Grace House Conference Room, after check in at the registration table.
Both groups will do dinner and a movie around 5:45 pm.
All children will join their parents in the parish hall at 7:15 for dessert.
Parents have the OPTION to leave babies to 3 year olds in childcare until the end of the event at 8:30. This is by request\reservation only!!
We will provide a waiver to be signed by parents.
Please fill out a registration form which was included in the Invitation packet. There are more forms at the FOTH rolling bulletin board. Hand the filled registration form to someone at the FOTH bulletin board, or to , or mail it to the office as soon as possible and no later than April 26.
For more information and to finish registering, please contact.
Saint Timothy’s Episcopal Church 1550 Diablo Road Danville, CA 94526 925.837.4993